All proceeds go to The Yacht Crew Helpine
Get bidding on some of this years awesome prizes!

The higher you bid, the more we give!
We are incredibly thankful to all the companies who have generously donated these amazing items and experiences for us to auction off.
You can bid on one or more, simply click through and place a bid. The winning bids will be announced at the black tie evening on May 3rd.
Prizes kindly donated by
How does this work?
You will be asked to log in and create an account. From there you can submit your bid. You will receive a conformation email.
Bidding closes on the 3rd May 20:00.
Login to the account you used to place the bid. Once in your account page you will see a button "View my Bids". Good luck.
If you are the highest bidder we will contact you to let you know and arrange a payment link so you can pay ISWAN (our chosen charity) directly.
Winners will be announced on the 3rd May at 20:30
100% of all profits raised go directly to charity. We have chosen ISWAN to receive all donations and profits made.
We will send you a link to make a donation directly to ISWAN.
Once you have paid we will put you in contact with the company who donated the prize so you can organise directly with them.